What is Deceptive Flexibility?

People who have Deceptive Flexibility may be able to move very far into poses. Those poses are very impressive, but they pay a very high cost for this deceptive flexibility. Not only their spinal muscles work overtime, but also their hip ligaments are over-stretched. This causes an instability in their hip joints and tremendous spinal compression, which can lead to early hip replacement surgery, arthritis in their hips and/or spine as well as serious digestive problems.
"Svaroopa® yoga has helped me so much healing the damage that I was unknowingly causing by going into extreme angles with other yoga styles before I discovered Svaroopa® yoga. I was the picture of a Western yogi when I first attended a free Svaroopa® yoga class — I looked very flexible, could do the splits and all the athletic yoga poses. In that first free class, I remember the teacher asking students what the difference was between the left and right sides. I thought 'What is she talking about?'... I have discovered my spine was incredibly tight, and I was so numb!!!! ~ Ryoko"
At the beginning of Svaroopa® yoga journey, you learn prop and protect your hyper-flexible (unstable) joints for maximum effectiveness. The extra props laser beam the effects into your spine. In addition, you learn how to work with your mind to transcend the ‘picture perfect’ paradigm you have brought from dance backgrounds, other yoga styles or athletic practices.
In advanced Svaroopa® yoga practice, you learn to do even strenuous poses in a way that create deep spinal release while strengthening and stabilizing your joints. Discover a new level of inner opening with new poses that stabilize your hyper-flexible joints. Learn variations that make you able to effectively use your abs, legs and arms to create core opening. Learn the practices that helped Swami Nirmalananda heal from her serious hip injury. This deeper and more powerful practice makes fast changes in your body. Most importantly, it opens up your experience of cosmic consciousness, as spinal decompression always does!
Contact Ryoko to schedule your private session to learn Deceptive Flexibility protocols to accelerate the healing process!
"Svaroopa® yoga has helped me so much healing the damage that I was unknowingly causing by going into extreme angles with other yoga styles before I discovered Svaroopa® yoga. I was the picture of a Western yogi when I first attended a free Svaroopa® yoga class — I looked very flexible, could do the splits and all the athletic yoga poses. In that first free class, I remember the teacher asking students what the difference was between the left and right sides. I thought 'What is she talking about?'... I have discovered my spine was incredibly tight, and I was so numb!!!! ~ Ryoko"
At the beginning of Svaroopa® yoga journey, you learn prop and protect your hyper-flexible (unstable) joints for maximum effectiveness. The extra props laser beam the effects into your spine. In addition, you learn how to work with your mind to transcend the ‘picture perfect’ paradigm you have brought from dance backgrounds, other yoga styles or athletic practices.
In advanced Svaroopa® yoga practice, you learn to do even strenuous poses in a way that create deep spinal release while strengthening and stabilizing your joints. Discover a new level of inner opening with new poses that stabilize your hyper-flexible joints. Learn variations that make you able to effectively use your abs, legs and arms to create core opening. Learn the practices that helped Swami Nirmalananda heal from her serious hip injury. This deeper and more powerful practice makes fast changes in your body. Most importantly, it opens up your experience of cosmic consciousness, as spinal decompression always does!
Contact Ryoko to schedule your private session to learn Deceptive Flexibility protocols to accelerate the healing process!